- Service Galleries
- Homes & Cottages
- Boathouses
- Docks
- Specialties
SPECIALTIES: If we are allowed to make claim of specializing in any aspect of construction, it would be in the area of accomplishing the unexpected. We have been asked to do a number of out of the ordinary building requests. These include bridges over a small river, and a small creek. We have installed a number of automatic start generators with buildings to house them. One of our biggest feats was constructing a set of stairs from cottage to boathouse which included 232, yes 232 steps. We have constructed a folding wall to seperate and protect a prized corvette within the confines of a garage. Saunas, gazebos, flag pole, exterior granite top bars, helicopter landing pad, outdoor showers, docks below the water line, (to give the impression you're walking on water... don't ask), stone inukshuks, snowmobile ramps, wake board jumps, canoe racks, and one of the best one to date, wooden eaves trough with wooden down spouts.